Report #1535396
Posted Date: Dec 25 2024 10:12 pm
Smith Clinesmith mishandles malpratice case lawyers out for themselves not clients Dallas Texas
My report is on Smith clinesmith llp of Texas there slogan is fighting elder abuse. In my case they sided with the facility for there own benefits. I contacted them last year in 2023 to.handle my deceased mothers malpractice case. I told representative of Smith cline Smith in a zoom meeting 2023 april-july all the things the facility dis to my late parent. The doctors laughing and mocking my mom after they paralyzed her not giving care in a timely manner. Strokes. Nursing staff not ding any work leaving her laying stationary for long periods of time no bathing no cleaning room dirty. Nursing staff lied on my mom say she pulled her tubes out but she couldnt.move the whole time sores on her etc. Doctors and nurses falsely documenting they gave her best care left out the neglectigance parts. This is Emory. Smith clinesmith understood and accepted case they could have refused seeing that alot stuff happened but didn't. Months past by the filed claim it court last minute before time ran out. The lawyer Ms. Thorton was very good answer all.questiins and accpeted.all pica and documents from me. This was 0art of the show I learned. I Gave them email and type.out statements on what happen in that hospital they took said it would analyze for the case. Then lost it all. A Smith Terry stolow came in and started a pattern of dishonesty and Manipulative behavior. She got assigned this case then hide from me for 2 months they were planning to walk away from this case in May 2024 despite what they say. When I tracked her down she pretended not to know she had my case very dishonesty Terry lied and falsely documented that she gave me a court schedule this never happen I never got one. She refused to accept and pics or document or records or statement from me. She told me don't send them. But document i refused. She lied played all kinds of games and refused to have a discussion on the evidence against the hospital unlike last lawyer who openly talked about it. Terry keep saying she not experienced enough to answer questions they just want you take 5he low offer the hospital gave. And then she will lie to you.and on you. She seems to need alot coaching from her boss and someone was coaching her the last time we spoke.before the withdrew from this case. Her boss he was suppose gave me accountability for her actions he ignored me had my sister in tears on the phone. He was told.about Terry actions. He started to Antagonize me.and my sister I to hire him he called about his bottom. Line walking away fro.this case. They spent 2.months using tactics to get me to fire.them walk way from the case cancel the case or take the low offers. They tried to get 800,000 off the recorss.foe this case the facility refused. Terry and Mr Runyon keep this to themselves never verbal told me.or explained very dishonest. Ms. Terry stolow name doesn't appear in the court records as being apart of thus case until they were gonna leave. They still got old attorney name on this case who.left back in April 2024. Mr Runyon lied on me stated I refused to take there calls they don't Wana call . Because I won't do as they tell me take the low offer or walk way. No fighting for justice I see. Currently they keep sending me emails despite the fact I told them to stop back in sept.2024 due there dishonest behavior. Mr Runyon lied to the courts about what really happen in this case and there handling he doesn't care They never left 1 voicemail.since Terry started working there just a web of lies. Ms. Terry stolow.admitted the true before they left on Sept 30. 2024 phone call they weren't telling me everything I needed to know. They were concealing evidence with no intent to let the courts see it or present it in the negotiation process. She also did they weren't going to tell that evidence was not to be used Like I said no fighting for.justice or elder abuse for them.
Smith Clinesmith, Texas
Jerry, Fayetteville, USA
Auto Insurance
Report #1535345
Posted Date: Dec 21 2024 05:14 am
Rigdon Alexander & Rigdon so-called lawyer unlikely to defend your interests with seriousness Tangerine Ave Florida
Rigdon Alexander & Rigdon , florida
Jerry, Fayetteville, USA
Auto Insurance
Report #1532229
Posted Date: Jul 23 2024 12:02 am
Tom Crosley Law Firm Steals Money! Scammed me for $10K, bullied into a low settlement offer & threatened withdrawal if i didn't accept. Stole $37K from my family San Antonio, Texas
Tom Crosley Law Firm , Texas
Jerry, Fayetteville, USA
Auto Insurance
Report #1528264
Posted Date: Aug 26 2023 06:07 pm
Christopher J. Cannon Professional negligence and ineffective assistance of counsel San Francisco
From what I can find about your case, there really was not much to work with. You absconded and it sounds like there was plenty of hard evidence establishing your guilt. What do you think your attorney can do if you plead guilty? The answer is, not much, especially in a federal case with fairly inflexible sentencing guidelines.
Christopher J. Cannon ,
Jerry, Fayetteville, USA
Auto Insurance
Report #1513900
Posted Date: Nov 24 2021 07:31 pm
CCB/dental/first poor product
dentures not fitting. causing infections. can't chew. choking. do not line up. removed teeth that did not need removing
Jerry, Fayetteville, USA
Auto Insurance
Report #1513659
Posted Date: Mar 04 2022 04:51 am
CAVALLO LAW PLLC; ALLA KUROLAPNIK, ESQ Cavallo Law PLLC CARRIE ANN CAVALLO Alla Kurolapnik and Carrie Ann Cavallo, are corrupted, highly unprofessional, unethical, have no knowledge in any aspect they claim they do. NEW YORK NEW YORK
Jerry, Fayetteville, USA
Auto Insurance
Report #1504572
Posted Date: Feb 02 2021 01:35 am
Ben Adams Benjaman Tabiess AdamsAdams Fietz Buyer Beware of Santa Rosa attorney Ben Adams of Adams Fietz. Ben stole my $5000 retainer! Santa Rosa CA
I went to Ben Adams at Adams Fietz to form a business entity. Ben seemed like an honest lawyer and well-intended. My goal was to have him form what is called a collective. He asked for a $5000 retainer which I paid him with the understanding that any legal work he did for me would be charged against the $5000. The money you pay a lawyer as a retainer is supposed to go into an escrow account and not co-mingled with other funds as that money is supposed to cover any legal services the lawyer provides at their billing rate. Ben Adams didn't actually ever form the entity nor register it, but rather produced a 3 page letter that named the entity, a collective.
He put this letter into a 3-ring binder with generic information not specific to my organization; perhaps 30 min. - 1hr. worth of work. I decided not to request additional services from Ben Adams and now he won't refund my unused funds. Ben says that these funds were for on-call services and my time to request these funds back has expired. He refused to return my unused balance despite his legal obligation to do so; unused retainers are legally the property of the client who paid the retainer. On-call lawyers are very rare and are only found with lawyers who are very very well known in our society.
Honest lawyers conduct monthly reviews of all of their retainers in escrow and refund clients who do not use the law firm's services.
Again, the money should be kept in an escrow account as it's not the lawyer's money to keep; it's their client's. Ben Adams does no such thing. He'll keep your retainer despite not doing any work to earn it. Unfortunately, I'm now in the position to have to sue Ben Adams to get my unused retainer back. Buyer beware of Ben Adams of Adams Fietz!
Benjaman Tabiess Adams CA State license #207281
1510 4th St, Santa Rosa, CA 95404
County: Sonoma County
Phone Number: (707) 999-9999
Fax Number: (707) 583-7649
Ben Adams, CA
Jerry, Fayetteville, USA
Auto Insurance
Report #1501940
Posted Date: Nov 15 2020 05:24 am
I have received mail from these attorney seeking an acknowledgement for a debt without any proof of such debt from them. I do not believe they are attorney. I have read these attorneys do not show up for court.
It is apparent he is scavenging credit reports for those he can scam. My account has been reached it limit and has been noted as a lost to company. This letter mailed to me as certified mail is rubber stamped. I attempted to settle my debts but I only ran into scammers in whom even have the nerve to list themselves in the phone book. The economy and human suffering is much too dire to tolerate slick means. Please expose these people as what they are. There is an attempt to unlawful collect money that will likely go toward a debt.
Zarzaur &Schwarz, P.C. , Alabama
Jerry, Fayetteville, USA
Auto Insurance
Report #1497169
Posted Date: Jul 04 2020 04:45 am
Judge Robert K. Pirraglia - Robert "Bobby Pirragz" Pirraglia - The Drunk Driving Endorsing Judge - Corrupt Judge That Riggs Cases And Elections! - Convicts Innocent People For Political And Financial Gains - "Kids For Cash" And "Adults For Cash" Infact "ANYONE for Cash" - Manipulates Court Transcripts After Cases To Hide Corruption - Sends Innocent People To Mental Health Facilitys For $'s - Cranston, Johnston, ALL OF RHODE ISLAND Providence RI
Robert K Pirraglia, AKA Robert “Bobby Pirragz” Pirraglia, AKA The Dunk Driving Endorsing Judge, AKA The Mafia Judge, AKA The FN Lunatic, is a Rhode Island District Court Judge And A Main Figure In The Rigging Of A 2002 Mayoral Election In Cranston, Rhode Island In Favor Of Fellow Lunatic Steve Laffey And Granted The Cranston Police Department And Cranston Fire Department Pensions, Safety Complexes, And A Slew Of False Reports That Exculpated Themselves, Friends, Family, And Fellow Criminals Of Crimes They Committed By Throwing Those Misdeeds On Innocent Individuals That Pirraglia Would Force To Plea Or Otherwise Convict.
This Scheme Included Cranston Attorney And Former Chief Of Staff To The Governor Of Rhode Island, Robert Murray Of The Law Firm Taft Mcsally, Who Was The Master False Report Writer For The Cranston Police Department And His Guilty, Yet In His Eyes, Still Upstanding, Clients, Those Clients Included Bishop Hendricken High School Head Football Coach, Elite Football School General Manager/Owner, Cranston West High School Gym Teach And Girls Track Coach, And Bain Middle School Principal, Keith Croft, Who, In Addition, Would Talk About Wanted To Have Intercourse With His 3 Sister During His High School/ College Days, And Croft Butt Pal, And Bishop Hendricken Boys Hockey Coach David Exter, Who Both Falsified Police Reports Through The Cranston Police Department In Assisting Laffey To Remove His Competition.
Also Involved, Rhode Island Turnpike And Bridge Authority Director, Bishop Hendricken Football Coach, Bishop Hendricken Executive Director, And Former Rhode Island 6th District Court Clerk, And Keith Crofts Father, Earl “Buddy” Croft, Whose Connections At 6th District Court In Providence Iced The Cake On Anyone Brought Before These Corrupt Judges, Especially Pirraglia, With These False Report. Also Involved, former Cranston Police Department Chief, Providence Center Director, Bristol Community College Professor, And Rhode Island DMV Director, Walter Craddock, Who, While He And His Police Department Were Busy Setting People Up, Would Routinely Throw Innocent Crime Victims Out Of Cranston Police Headquarters When He/She Would Attempt To File A Complaint Against His Colleagues In The Setup.
Officer Matthew Davis Of The Cranston Police Department, A Ne’er do Well, Who Was Only Placed On The Cranston Police Department Do To Favors From Former Football Coach Earl Buddy Croft, And Beholden By His Repayment For This Act By Setting Up Innocent People They Wished To Be Removed. Officer/Detective Erik Baccari, And Out Of Towner, Who Weaseled His Way Into The Good Graces Of Cranston Through This Scheme, As Well As A Myriad Of Other Officers (Pezzullo, Ricci, Etc) Who Suddenly Decided To Retire And Collect This Undeserved Pension, A Pension That Would NEVER Have Come To Fruition Were It Not For This Carefully Organized Crime.
But Back To The Central Figure Of This Post. Robert K. Pirraglia. Robert Pirraglia Has Been A Terror Of Not Only The Rhode Island Justice System, But The Justice System In This Country For Decades. He Is A Cancer That Distorts And Perverts Everything He Touches And More Appropriately, Brought Before Him. Want Proof?
One Of Robert Pirraglia Claims To Fame, And Something He Is Extremely Proud Of, Is His Having Ended An Off-The-Books Practice Of Police Departments Conducting Their Own “Backroom Courts”. For Those Of You That Don’t Know What This Means, This Is The Practice Of Police Departments Taking The Justice System Into Their Own Hands And Deciding Case At The Police Level, At The Cop Level, Or What Actually Gets To Court And How That Case Looks Once It Gets There. Robert Pirraglia Came Out Against This Practice, Broadcast It To Everyone That He Stopped It, And Is Readily Willing To Take Credit For Ending It. Only One Problem:
There Is Not One Case That Goes Through, At A Minimum, 6th District Court In Providence, In Rhode Island That Has Not Be Pre-Determined Before Hand By Some Scheme That Lead To The Case In The First Place, Or Is Not Decided Behind Closed Doors Irregardless Of Anything That Occurs In Open Court. Not One. Robert Pirraglia Owes His Entire Career To Backdoor Dealings Either At The Police Level Or The Court Level Or Both. And When Pirraglia, And His Scumbag Associates, Need A Scheme To Turn Out Their Way, That Case Is Fixed At Both The Police And Court Level.
How Does Robert Pirraglia Get Away With This….First We Have To Look At A Problem Robert Pirraglia Has, One Of Many This Disturbed Individual Suffers From. See, Robert Pirraglia Always Wanted To Be One Of Those TV Judges. Always Thought He Was Worthy Of His Own Show. But He Never Got It. And He Holds This Grudge. It Bothers Him. And Any Time Someone Comes Before Robert K. Pirraglia That Has Any Fame To His Name, Robert Pirraglia, Without Fail, Will Convict That Person (If He Doesn’t Plea). He Will Convict That Person With Fame. Every Time.
Now you May Say “So What, That Person Can Appeal…” Sure Can. But Since Robert Pirraglia Never Became Famous Like He Though He Should, Maybe He Could Try To Make Himself Famous….Say….With His Own Production Company! Well, Wouldn’t You Know It! In 2002 (Coincidentally, Same Year As Another Event Listed Above) Judge Robert K. Pirraglia Did In Fact Open His Own Production Company. Now you Might Say “Well What Would A Judge Need A Production Company For…” Well Turns Out, If One Digs A Little Deeper, One Would See That Robert Pirraglia Has A Very Specific Type Of Production Company, One Called “Bbor Productions” Located At 70 South Street Cranston, Rhode Island, That Specializes In “Motion Picture Sound Services”. Now Why Would A Judge In Rhode Island Of All Places Need A Production Company At All, Never mind One That Specializes In Motion Picture Sound Services….
Robert K. Pirraglia Alters Court Transcripts After The Fact, After He Falsely Convicts People, Using His Production Company, So That His Misdeed Will Not Be Discovered. This Is A Fact. He Alters People Words, Omits Things, Deletes Others, Adds Some That Were Never There……He Takes Written Transcripts Of Cases And Alters The Words Of Defendants By Inserting A Bunch Of “Ooooohhhh” And “Ummmms” And “Hmmmms” And “Likes” And Other Nonsense To Make The Innocent Defendant He Falsely Convicted Sound Like A Complete Moron So That Anyone Looking At The Case After The Fact On Appeal Will Say “I Cant Defend This Person” And This Is How Pirraglia Has Been Getting Away With Falsely Convicting People, Because He’s Using His Own Production Company To Alter Cases After The Fact. FACT.
But That’s Not The Only Dirty Business Robert K Pirraglia Is Involved In. NO. Robert Pirraglia Is Involved In A “Kids For Cash” Type Scandal Reminiscent Of The Pennsylvania Scandal. Pirraglia Has A Disproportionate Number Of Cases Where Some Type Of “Mental Illness” Is The Cause. Walter Craddock, Who Is The Executive Director Of The Providence Center, A Mental Health Facility, While Cranston Police Chief Had A Disproportionate Amount Of Times Where He And His Police Department Would Grab People Off The Street And Claim They Had Some Type Of Mental Health Condition, Hand Cuff Them To Ambulances And Take Them To Hospitals Against Their Will For Mental Health Evaluations Done By….You Guessed It….The Providence Center…Or Gateway Health, Another Mental Health Facility.
In Fact, Its Also Interesting That Even Lowly False Report Writers For Cranston, Keith Croft (Providence College Graduate) And Daivd Exter (Providence College Graduate) (With Their Cranston Attorney Robert Murray (Providence College Graduate)), Two Individuals Who Are Worlds Away From Having Mental Health Training Of Any Kind, Also Claim, In False Reports, Filed Though The Cranston Police Department, Through Cranston Cop Matthew Davis, Through Cranston Police Chief Walter Craddock, To Be Heard In Courts Before Cranston Resident Robert K Pirraglia (Providence College Graduate) That Individuals Have Mental Health Conditions WHEN THEY DO NOT. This Whole Thing Is A Scheme And They Are Making Money Of It While Innocent People Pay.
Rest Assured, Though, When These Schemes Get Boring, Or They Want To Add A Little Bit More Jazz To A Case, Robert Pirraglia, With Robert Murray And More Than Willing Participants Keith Croft And David Exter, Will Scour The Internet To Try To Frame Innocent People And Distort His Website To Try To Hop On The Hot Trending Crime Topic Of The Day And Frame Innocent People With Imaginary Crimes Based On Website Posting They Can Bastardize To Try To Make Themselves Look Like Heros From Stopping Crimes That Arent There Will Additionally Saying That The Sites They Stalked Were Actually Sent To Them By The Author. Well Either That, Or Their Just Jealous Of The Other Individuals Success And Fame. So Of Course, When Someone Is More Successful And Famous Than You, You File False Charges Against Him To Try To Win An Election For A Lunatic That Will Help You. Another Page Out Of “The Robert Pirraglia School Of Judging”.
But Robert Pirraglia Wont Stop There. When You’re a Mafia Judge, You Really Don’t Care About Who You Offend. Just Ask MADD, Mothers Against Drunk Driving, Who Found Pirraglia’s Article In The Providence Journal Referencing His Belief That Drink Drivers Arent Bad People Very Interesting. Its Also Interesting To Note That Not Only Is Pirraglia Allowed To Carry On His Crime On His Own In Rhode Island, But He Has Also Been Named A “Professor” Of Sorts For A College In Colorodo (Where A Criminal Named Steve Laffey Was Also Allowed To Run And Hide To) That Teaches Other Judges. This Should Be Terrifying To All American People Because If Other Judges Are Being Taught By This Corrupt Nut, Everybody Needs To Move Out Of This Country.
See And Hear That.
Judge Robert K. Pirraglia, RI
Jerry, Fayetteville, USA
Auto Insurance
Report #1495428
Posted Date: May 20 2020 01:29 am
Sephora Terrible customer service, discrimination and violation of FTC rules for ecommerce San Francisco CA
Stating that a company can do whatever they want is not an acceptable statement nor is it true.
Stating that payment must be done with a particular creditcard and not another has no reason to be.
Refusing legitimate orders is problematic.
Canceling iwthout notifying accepted orders is ellegal per FTC rules of ecommerce.
Trying to buy legally and legitimatedly is buying products... Who cares how it is paid if legal!
It seems that Sephora is using "reputation repair people" and the argument is: they can do what they want live with it or don't buy. Correct: so boycott is it then! Thatw as the proposal!
Sephora, CA
Jerry, Fayetteville, USA
Auto Insurance
Report #1494662
Posted Date: May 01 2020 12:27 am
Craig M. Dorne, Esq. Craig M. Dorne, PA, DorneLaw Malpractice, dishonest and unethical dealing, incompetence, overbilling and violation of attorney ethical obligation Coral Gables Florida
A very bad experience with this totally unethical attorney during a real estate deal. Craig M. Dorne, Esq. who not only lost a real estate deal for his client during the sale of their commercial property in Miami but was trying to steal buyers' deposit delaying and obstructing the return of their money and overbill his clients. Be sure to do your Due Diligence before hiring an attorney for your real estate transaction. It can backfire on you if you don't do your Due Diligence and hire somebody who is unethical and incompetent. It could be very costly for you and in the end, you can lose a very good deal only because they want to bill you more money.
We are filling a complaint with The Florida Bar and working on our malpractice lawsuit against this totally dishonest and unethical lawyer who should be disbarred immediately because of his malpractice and incompetence. It is a shame when you find this kind of attorney. It is not usual, but unfortunately, it can happen. I worked and I know a lot of attorneys in Miami, that are real professionals and are always trying to do the best for everybody involved in the transaction and to follow the law and the Code of Ethics.
If you want more detailed information about the practice of this attorney, feel free to contact me anytime.
Craig M. Dorne, Esq., Florida
Jerry, Fayetteville, USA
Auto Insurance
Report #1492464
Posted Date: Mar 03 2020 03:58 am
Gary Ostrow PA The Law Firm of Gary Ostrow PA,Gary Stephen Ostrow,Lawyer Gary Ostrow,Florida lawyer, Gary Ostrow,Attorney Gary Ostrow,The Law Firm of Gary Ostrow,Gary S. Ostrow,Gary S. Ostrow is a South Florida criminal Attorney, bad lawyer, criminal defense attorney who has nearly been disbarred several times over his career Fort Lauderdale FL
Gary Ostrow PA, FL
Jerry, Fayetteville, USA
Auto Insurance
Report #1492323
Posted Date: Feb 28 2020 04:15 am
Joshua Kohanim Kohanim Law Group, Fair Cases Dishonest and unethical Los Angeles CA
Joshua Kohanim, CA
Jerry, Fayetteville, USA
Auto Insurance
Report #1489891
Posted Date: Jan 13 2020 06:20 pm
Law Offices Of Michael Kade My name is Antonio Nozar, also known as Ali Nozar, and I’m the defendant who hired the attorney Michael Kade as my lawyer. Brentwood CA
Law Offices Of Michael Kade My name is Antonio Nozar, also known as Ali Nozar, and I’m the defendant who hired the attorney Michael Kade as my lawyer. Brentwood CA
My name is Antonio Nozar, also known as Ali Nozar, and I’m the defendant who hired the attorney Michael Kade as my lawyer.
I was the owner of Smooth Skin Laser Clinic since 2004. I have built a clientele of more than 10,000. 90% of my clientele is female between the ages of 21 and 40 years old. I have 5 stars on my Yelp and Google reviews.
The reason I’m writing this complaint is because of the professional ethical misconduct of the attorney Michael Kade. Unfortunately, I hired Michael Kade to represent me in a false sexual battery accusation case that was filed by two people - Rachelle Ratcliffe and Irina Velitskaya.
Rachelle Ratcliffe falsely pressed charges against me in 08-06-2015 for sexual battery, because one of my competitors offered her money to help them put me out of business. (My office camera recording will prove my innocence)
Irina Velitskaya falsely pressed charges against me on 08-12-2016 for sexual assault that allegedly occurred on 07/12/2016. She made this accusation with the intent of obtaining legal citizenship in this country by getting her U. Visa and her Immigration Benefits from ICE without going through legitimate legal channels. (My office camera recording will prove my innocence)
The security cameras recorded everything from beginning to end and it will prove my innocence.
On 08-19-2016 I was arrested by the Glendale police at 6:30 am. They transferred me, handcuffed, to the Glendale jail. The Glendale PD had a warrant to search my apartment. According to my accuser, the crime allegedly happened in my office. My office was available to be searched, but neither Glendale Police Officer Detective Suzanne O’Brien nor DA Heba Matta ever bothered to come and search the office. Video surveillance was available for observation, but again, no one from the Glendale PD or the DA’s office bothered to investigate any actual evidence available to them.
I was released from jail in the Glendale PD on the same day. I started looking for lawyer. I contacted Attorney Michael Kade and made an appointment for a consultation with him.
Upon arriving at Michael Kade’s office around August 20-2016 for my consultation, I was required to relinquish my cell phone. Michael Kade did this so he could be sure I couldn’t record the conversation. He started to scare me by telling me I’m going to jail and I’m very lucky to meet him because he is the only lawyer that has his experience because he was a cop for 20 years and he has experience with these types of scammers.
After he watched my office security camera video recording of the accusers, he said that with this evidence and his friendship with Judge Beverly Bourne and DA Heba Matta the case would be thrown away. He said he believed in my innocence.
On Aug 26 – 2016, I hired Michael Kade as my defense attorney. I gave him a $20,000 retainer (cash advance), the video recording, evidence, and files on both women, including their age, first and last name, date of birth, and address. I also gave him police reports that verify the ages of both women. After Michael Kade received the $20,000 retainer, he continued to scare me. He said I would end up in jail because my video is now worthless. He said DA Heba Matta is going to put me in jail.
Michael Kade played an ugly mental game, intending to scare the hell out of me. Instead of working on my case, he waited for DA Heba Matta to throw him a deal.
Exactly 6 months after I hired Michael Kade to defend me, he called me and started yelling and screaming at me because he was told by DA Heba Matta that the girls were teenagers. He called me a pedophile. The women were 30 and 33 years old at the time of the accusations.
If either the DA Heba Matta or my lawyer Michael Kade had looked at the information given to them, they would have known that the women accusing me are well over the age of 30.
Apparently, DA Heba Matta and my lawyer Michael Kade never bothered to read the files, police reports or study my case. If either of them had looked into my case in detail, they would have realized that there is absolutely no evidence to support the accusations levelled against me. I had provided them with evidence in the form of videos from my security cameras that proved my innocence. The video recording shows both women were lying about sexual battery, but Michael Kade failed to defend my innocence.
On March 17, 2017, DA Heba Matta gave the deal to my attorney Michael Kade to accept the charges of sexual battery by registering as a sex offender for life. My attorney Michael Kade was in agreement with the DA Heba Matta that this is a very fair deal and if I don’t accept the deal, I will go to jail for 5 years. (I have the Email as my Proof).
He repeated these statements to me continuously. These statements were used to impose fear. He was assuming that as soon as he got the deal I would accept it without him needing to put any effort into my defense.
After I refused to accept the deal, attorney Michael P. Kade showed the end of the video for the first time to DA Heba Matta on April 27, 2017. DA Heba Matta told Michael Kade that she had never watched that video before April 27, 2017. (I have the Email as my Proof).
The video shows actual proof of my innocence. I presented this proof with all the other evidence to Michael Kade on August 26, 2016 and paid him $20,000 to represent me.
I have all the emails between attorney Michael P. Kade and DA Heba Matta as my proof.
When I didn’t accept DA Heba Matta’s deal, Michael Kade started yet another mind game.
On June 24, 2017, Michael Kade filed the motion to be relieved of his duties as counsel for my case because I didn’t accept DA Heba Matta’s deal. He stated in his declaration that I refused to follow his advice and that there was a total breakdown of communication.
I kept calling Michael Kade to ask him what this declaration is about. He would hang up the phone and then text me that he will only talk to me in his office.
Around the beginning of July 2017 I made an appointment with Michael Kade to meet in his office to find out why he was serving me the court document.
As I arrived in Michael Kade’s office, a week before the trail regarding his motion, Michael Kade started threatening me. He said if I didn’t submit to his demands, he will make me look so bad that no other lawyer will pick up my case. He said he would lose the case. He said he would make sure that I end up in jail.
Michael Kade was ordering me to commit perjury by lying to Judge Beverly Bourne about releasing Michael Kade as my lawyer and ask for a public defender. These statements were made by me under duress because I was afraid Michael Kade would purposely throw my case and have me thrown in jail – as he said he would do if I didn’t submit to his demands.
I have proof of the correspondence between Michael Kade and me as Text messages and Emails that prove I was listening to him and following his advice even when he forced me to lie to Judge Beverly Bourne.
In trial, on October 3, 2017, I Antonio Nozar did lie to Judge Beverly Bourne in the Glendale Court of law at 9.30 am, stating that I wanted to fire my attorney Michael Kade. I asked for a public defender. I lied because my Attorney Michael Kade told me if I don’t do it he will make sure I go to jail for 5 years for a crime I didn’t commit. I didn’t want to fire my attorney Michael Kade and I have proof of our correspondence.
The reason I’m making this complaint is because Michael Kade has violated the Rules of Professional conduct, according to the State Bar of California. Michael Kade didn’t demonstrate an ability to conduct a professional relationship with me as a client.
According to Rule 3-210, attorney ordered me to commit perjury by lying to Judge Beverly Bourne about releasing Michael Kade as my lawyer.
Law Offices Of Michael Kade, CA
Jerry, Fayetteville, USA
Report #1488434
Posted Date: Dec 01 2019 04:14 am
Schoenberg Family Law Group Debra Schoenberg con artist attorney San Francisco CA
Debra Schoenberg is a con artist. I lost an easy court case due to her. She was only good at sending bills for whatever reason, if she farts while she's on the phone talking to you then you'll get a fart bill. All the1-star reviews she has on Yelp prove it. Do not hire her. Look up online and you'll negative reviews everywhere.
There is no way to repair the damage she's done. I am financially ruined. She never cared.
Schoenberg Family Law Group, CA
Jerry, Fayetteville, USA
Auto Insurance
Report #1486932
Posted Date: Oct 27 2019 06:04 pm
Hannah Pennington Damaged Goods, Psychotic Man-Hater, Misandrist Beware Of Damaged Goods Hannah Pennington! New York New York
Beware Of Damaged Goods Hannah Pennington!
This psychotic woman Hannah Pennington is obviously so mentally deranged that you can see it in her eyes.
She obviously hates men so much that one can legitimately call her a misandrist.
Obviously someone in her past either hurt her or her daddy molested her or she is such an extremist lesbian that she represents a danger to all men, young and old.
She should be considered like a female Jack The Ripper against men of all shapes, ages and sizes.
The problem is that left-wing extremist socialist NYC Mayor Bill De Blasio has given this psychotic misandrist man-hater a very big job and platform in the NYC Mayor’s Office as the weirdly entitled, and totally made-up and unnecessary job description in the “NYC Mayor’s Office To End Domestic And Gender Based Violence,” totally ignoring that 70% of domestic violence consists of crazy, self-entitled violent women beating up men.
But of course this fact and statistic does not matter to the incredibly socialist, communist city government of New York City, where they use emotional hot button issues such as “domestic violence” to strip Americans of their constitutional rights on a daily basis, hoping that it will spread throughout the United States with case law and court opinions, over years, if not decades.
There is no wonder that when the NAZIs came over to the USA after World War II in Operation Paperclip, or after the fall of Communism in the former Soviet Union in the late 1980s and early 1990s, where did all these displaced NAZIs and Communists come, out of all the places in the world?
The answer is New York City, because it is the only city in the richest country in the world, America, where both NAZIs and Communists could gain a foothold and hope to transform the United States, from the inside out, aided by useful idiots such as Mayor Bill De Blasio and his agent provocateurs such as uber Man Hater, Hannah Pennington, who thinks that the only good man, is a dead or jailed man.
Unfortunately Hannah Pennington uses her access to the levers of power on a daily basis to corruptly set up, entangle, falsely accuse, harass, threaten, intimidate, target, falsify records, and threaten men that she doesn’t like, or men that her friends and clients don’t like (even if they are good men).
Someone needs to arrest her now, for the safety and security of men in NYC and in general.
Hannah Pennington, New York
Jerry, Fayetteville, USA
Auto Insurance
Report #1483123
Posted Date: Aug 07 2019 08:32 pm
The Law Offices of Edward Jay Singer the most dishonest attorney in Los Angeles Los Angeles CA
Another victim here. I am totally ruined. Before meeting Eward Singer I had serious physical disabilities, now my disabilities have got worse and I have lost the chance to get a decent settlement. All thanks to Ed.
Edward Singer has gained popularity and is all over the net as his past clients continue to expose his deceitful character on different websites. I have been ripped by Singer and all I promise is that this is the beginning of the war. Singer will pay with blood.
See the image attached. As I was going to post a review on Google I found that 2 months ago a user "named" Edward Singer posted a review for Eward Singer saying that "I have used Eward Singer on two occasions to resolve my work injury cases. Both times I was satisfied with the result. I recommend him".
So either Edward Singer has a customer named Edward Singer (just like himself) or Edward Singer posted a fake review, posing as a client of his own office.
My hypothesis? He wrote the review himself using one of his google accounts. At the time he posted the review he likely changed the name he was using to post that review, but as time went by he probably forgot he used that account to post the fake review and he likely changed the name back to Edward Singer.
Or maybe he is so stupid that he posted a review by himself without thinking that it would be too obvious that it was himself the one who wrote it.
One way or another, an attorney writing fake reviews to boost his business does not seem to a good sign. I wonder if he also pay or hire people to post fake reviews for his business.
I'll post an update as I gather more information about this pathological liar and scumbag lawyer.
The Law Offices of Edward Jay Singer, CA
Jerry, Fayetteville, USA
Auto Insurance
Report #1482202
Posted Date: Jul 20 2019 03:56 pm
No shame in unfair business practices
Ruining people business and reputation
Using dishonest tactis and putting the legal profession to shame!!
Disgraced attorney with no remorse in lying to people faces and ruining their cases!
Jerry, Fayetteville, USA
Auto Insurance
Report #1478048
Posted Date: May 01 2019 07:25 pm
Lawyer REfferal Service Pima, Maricopa County Attorney referral services Incapable both with and without payment Tucson Arizona, Los Angeles
This evasive - and complete waste of time and $ 35 fee features attorney's that have not been reasonably capable of giving an honest referral for over 10 years; a completely ludicrous and dishonest female hispanic backed by a large female Ms "Ballbruker-type" who admittedly will come out of her office after MS Hispanic Carribean fails not only to take money, not only to give a referral, not only to give a non-secquiter answer to almost any non-legal or legal question, and even direct people intelligently to any documents and any evidence at all of satisfied outcomes.
By this time those who have been injured, those with litarlly a protruding racquet ball of a botched hernia operation with what is indistinguishable for a huge testicle about 10 times the size of what, at least, are still apparently my other two balls ... and quite frankly, if having larger balls than I did years ago attempting to bet both Trust Litigation and malpracice attorneys - for of course both the Medica Profession at Southwest Surgical Associates, Banner Medical Personel at the University of Arizona who also, believe it or not, wrongly used an over-sized catheter and --- have had now a chance at both ruining by balls and dick - IF THIS DOES NOT MEAN LOVE IN THE United States of America what does !!
I WILL NOW CONTACT ME American and International Super Models ... and we will see if a man - and in this case, more than tragically - GOD'S BALLS AND DICK "them" herselves (language translations and meaning problems here, obviously ... more to come!
Let's hope it is NOT another hopeless victim of the Tucson Police, Lawyer Referral Service and Pima County and Arizona Attorney's and Attorney General Office - already tried to call CA, Superlawyers - good luck! - and they really directed me back to the Pima County Bar Association - yes, they may win a reasonably contest in well-dressed, drinking alcohol, and telling jokes occasionally ...
My "New. Southwest Surgery" and #StJoseph's-verified, #Banner_Inspected "#New _Testicle" may still have their day in court ... until then ... new human species discovered with more than one ball, could be member of Royal Family ... no, look they are rude, impossible and disrespectful ... now to Tweet Donald Trump and the other living presidents and apply for a grant for a new exhibit at the Zoo - look, how else can I raise funds.
This feat of critical elective surgery has been eximined at three hospitals - without them sending me any copies of the report, after being asked, and still harder than the hernia proceeding and making normal sex impossible. This is a fundamental right ! Look, when the freedom of communication is ruined and attorneys are really too arrogant to simply call back, the right faith of Americans, no matter their finances and age, is clearly held in unnecessary and frequently illegal and unconstitutional efforts by previous and notorious Arizona State Attorney Generals to be wrongly used.
After writing every attorney magazine in the United States, whose emails are available in the Europa World Yearbook, as are various international legal magazines for all nations ...
Lawyer REfferal Service, Arizona, Los Angeles
Jerry, Fayetteville, USA
Auto Insurance
Report #1468275
Posted Date: Nov 27 2018 10:08 pm
Zalika Pierre Attorney And Complete Fraud, Entire Career Based On Resume Inflation And "Favors" - BEWARE - Holland And Knight JP Morgan NY New York
Zalika Pierre, of holland and knight, and formerly of reed smith, is an idiot who continuously attempts to use negligible experience at jp morgan to fluff her resume into gaining employment at law firms. Miss pierre was a member of an article 7 team assembled at jp morgan in late 2011 early 2012 that was temporarily put in place to review consumer loans at the bank.
This position involved absolutely ZERO training in how the consumer lending department was run, rule and regulation of the department, lending standards, or any of a litany of other requirements needed to be able to perform this job in banking.
It was strictly a position used to review loans. PERIOD. Yet, miss zalika pierre has fudged this experience on her resume repeatedly to try to make herself look like some kind of expert in the consumer lending field to gain employment representing not only consumers, but lending institutions themselves.
It is completely fraudulent. Miss pierre attempted to weed out other individuals during her brief stint at jp morgan in trying to secure a permanent position for the bank.
Including, but not limited to, using the fact that she was an attorney and could assist the bank with any work related grievances or liability they may suffer at the hands of other employees who the bank had wronged. She is slimy and and her experience is false.
Her actions have been reported to the appropriate overseers on more than one occasion. She also has an issue with making inappropraite comments, making inappropriate advances, and trying to "snuggle up" too, at least, anyone who is a superior to her of the male persuasion.
Also a member of the metropolitan black bar association, she never shys away from standing up for her people, attorneys or otherwise, and essentially everything shes achieved professionally has come at the expense of someone else.
Again, the experience she bases her entire career on never happened. She was never actually trained to know any of it, she just worked someplace where other people did know and now uses that non existance experience as the single most emphasized point on her resume to land herself jobs. Pathetic.
Zalika Pierre, New York
Jerry, Fayetteville, USA
Auto Insurance
Report #1466198
Posted Date: Oct 31 2018 03:25 pm
Raphi Blustein Raphael Blustein Deceitful and Unethical Attorney nyc ny NewYork
Raphi Blustein is a bad lawyer but worse than that he is a horrible person. I am not here to judge the way he handles himself in his personal life so will not go into those matters... I'll try to concentrate on professional issues: To know more about Raphi's way of doing business, simply listen to what the Israeli courts have to say about him (Misappropriation of Clients' Funds Case he lost - twice): "The trustee (Raphi Blustein) has placed himself in a situation of blatant conflict of interest while favoring his own interest over the best interest of the plaintiff - the beneficiary (The Client). This choice of the trustee in his favor is invalid and it is necessary to deny, cancel and revoke it and any validity and legitimacy of this decision". - Case No. 10745-11-15, Tel Aviv Circuit Court as Court of Appeals. Also, in my own personal experience, if you dare involve yourself and Raphi Blustein in anything money related, you will be putting yourself and specifically your funds at risk. Stay safe folks. There are some really bad people out there.
Raphi Blustein, ny
Jerry, Fayetteville, USA
Auto Insurance
Report #1459604
Posted Date: Dec 20 2018 02:37 am
Willliam Christopher Horan, Attorney who stole his brother's inheritance and lied undre oath in Court. Billy the KId Elder Abuse, Bullying, Assaut, Coersion, Fraud and Conspiracy, Grand Larceny... Never was written on the Trust but stole the documents and his computer and never finished the gravestone California
DISTRICT ATTORNEY (Lacey) FOR LOS ANGELES COUNTY never investigated 211 West Temple Street Suite 1200 Los Angeles, CA 90012 Attention Special Financial Crime Investigations Of BP160058- David Cowan In testimony of a real Criminal William Christopher Horan California State Bar # 064217 18831 Ramsgate Lane Huntington Beach, CA 92646 (714) 658-8985 Also Owner of "Sketchy" Coastline West Realty 218 5th Street Huntington Beach, CA 92648 Broker #00870269 A very greedy attorney and land owner stole my inheritance, and the events were not civil by any means. MY FATHER DIED, AND MY UNCLE LIED UNDER OATH IN A COURT OF LAW, using not one, but THREE UNETHICAL ATTORNEYS. This is now case number 18-13131 before the California State Bar Association of unethical behavior of 5 attorneys. And the state bar will not investigate the crime that is on public record. NOW THE DECEASED (my father's)next of kin are not his children and grandchildren, but Williams’ children and his ex -wife. He got away with the crime of a lifetime and this is how he did it. See the following video.
SENIOR ABUSE, LYING, and BULLING OF A REGISTERED NURSE In the spring of 2009, Deborah (the daughter, and Registered Nurse Practitioner of Timothy Augustin Horan) was asked to help her father out when he required open-heart surgery. She had his home cleaned, meals made and took care of his every need as an RN before, during and after his hospitalization. My uncle decided to "get rid of me” by bullying me and threatening to kill me after he found out that my brother and I would be splitting the trust 50/50, and he was not included. MY protective father told me he would indeed kill me over the money as he referred to his brother William as "Billy the Kid”. William was never trusted during his entire lifetime to represent him as an attorney, and chose to place the trust on his personal computer and a computer trust document. My father fearing for the wellbeing of his daughter (a single mother of 4 children) told me to protect myself. I was bullied in an empty parking lot. I was not allowed to get my personal things out of my father’s house. MY father was told multiple lies by William such as I was going to put him in a nursing home, and perhaps he shouldn’t trust the soup that I made him as I may have poisoned it. He told him I had broken in the house, which was another lie, as while the cleaning crew took down the drapes in his bedroom, a small 4-inch window was accidently broken. I had the keys to his home. Bullying of a caregiver should never be permitted. I have more integrity as a registered nurse in the state of California than any attorney does. When I went to the police in Los Angeles to report this, it was ignored. In 2009, bullying a family member was not reportable or even a legal focus until 2011.
COERTION During 2009, through 2014, I lived and worked in Los Angeles and Orange County to support my 4 children. I kept sending my father emails of his grandchildren including his great grandson born in January 8th of 2013. Patricia and my brother were instructed by William "not to communicate with me and our mother. They were instructed to get a post office box. My father was instructed to not communicate as well , and if I came to visit to "have me arrested.” In November 2012, my father’s significant other passed away. Her name was Helene Sutter. My father never sold anything of hers until her death. It is interesting to note that the abstract removed both of our names in the fraudulent document in the year 2010. My father, with 25 years of military experience would never have done this. My brother had schizophrenia. This was all plotted between non blood-- Patricia and wonderful crooked attorney Bill.
FINANCIAL ABUSE, MORE SENIOR ABUSE. My father’s Bellaire home was sold in 2014, at which time he was sold "an annuity” with the proceeds of the sale of the home. You can ask any financial planner, but selling an annuity to an 80 year old, post open-heart surgery is considered a move of greed. It is not an advisable move. The financial advisor received an upfront commission and only knew my father for less than a year. He basically used my father for significant profit for himself which was not admissible to court. My father struggled to care for himself, and his brother suggested for him to go to a retirement home. This was a retirement home without any licensed nursing staff. Basically the "Holiday Villa East” was a high-cost apartment-style setting that provided meals to seniors. There was no trial of home care assistance. It was the realtor, Janie Peet, that told my father he was lied to by his brother William, and pursue a reunion with him. William had used horrible lies that I, the daughter was going to put him in a nursing home; whereas it was William who encouraged nursing home placement, as he didn’t want to be bothered. There was no home care trial or discussing this with his daughter., who was the best one to help him out. My father and I connected by phone on October 14th for approximately 15 minutes on my daughter’s cell phone (Marybeth) and were to meet in October. On October 30, 2014, by father died of a heart attack caused by arteriosclerosis, only 6 weeks after moving into the facility.
ASSAULT, EXTORTION AND THEFT On the night of October 30, 2014, I had to declare my father deceased and sat with him and the paramedics. There were no Registered Nurses on staff. William Christopher came that night bringing his other brother, Joseph Haroun. He put me in a tight "neck hold” in the day room and told me not to go down to his room again, or he would ”really F### me over.” He not only stole and ripped up the original documents, but he also stole his personal computer where he fraudulently deleted and "doctored” the documents. THERE WAS NEVER A SIGNED AMMENDMENT. He stole everything, including his wallet, 2 cars, and anything else he could find.
CONSPIRACY AND FRAUD Even though never his attorney, William C. Horan abused power by becoming the "successor trustee”. He used physical force and mental manipulation. My brother was incapable. He uses my brother as a puppet and me as the victim. Please understand that the son and my only brother, Timothy Gerard Horan testified that Uncle Bill "got rid of his sister in 2009”. And he would take over all the fiduciary responsibilities for him. My brother Timothy was diagnosed with schizophrenia in his early 20s and his anxiety and stress levels were too great for him to handle. He lived in Oregon with his much older wife "Patricia” who was more like a mother to him. Although our mother’s sister Eva Karcher provided both Tim and Pat with the money of $50,000 for a down payment on a home as well as financing his education through plumbing school, nothing was ever repaid, and he never got his plumbing service off the ground. My brother had never been inside my father’s home and didn’t even know the breed of his dog "Princess”, a cocker spaniel like mine. Our Aunt Eva is still living in her 90’s in her own home. Timothy G,. has been absent in our mother’s life, leaving me with the care and financial responsibilities. How unfair. Our court system is so damn lazy they can't read an unsigned document, or believe the scandal.
MY FATHER’s DEATH AND MORE BULLYING AT HIS FUNERAL My father died on October 30, 2014, and the funeral did not take place until December 9, 2014. My uncle insisted on an autopsy, and blamed me for possibly killing him, or that was the story. This was a Tuesday that I usually worked, but the funeral was supposed to be on Wednesday, December the 10th, 2014 when I was usually off. If I had not contacted the funeral home I would have missed the funeral. William ran the show again sitting Tim and Pat in the front row as well as his 3 daughters, and the woman he was living with. He told the funeral attendant that my father had only one son. It is amazing that he had 3 daughters and never knew the relationship I had with my father during 50 years. The look on his three daughter’s faces was undeniably something I will never forget. Their father told them that I was disinherited and would get nothing and they would inherit their uncle’s wealth, (even though they met my father, they did not know him or assist in any of his care. They were never mentioned in the Trust). My husband, daughter, and grandson sat in the back row and were NOT included. We were not invited to lunch after the funeral, which is a tradition. We were ignored and silenced into submissiveness. It was shocking. My father’s grave was not completed until the two months ago. Since I work so close to Woodlawn Cemetery, I have had to grieve in silence. I never did anything wrong to my father other to been bullied by a greedy uncle. I have 3 state licenses and a DEA, and no criminal record. No one could give me the reason why I was treated with such hostility. The only answer is GREED and COVETING. GRAND LARCENY
William Christopher Horan attempted to be the attorney on 12/23/2014. Again, running the show saying that the successor trustee was doing it all. The Horan trust was liquefied over 5 million dollars in December 2014 and a 3,500 square foot home bought for Patricia with the money before 90 days had past and I hadn’t been given a copy of "Fraudulent Trust Documents’. He hired Mr. Stephen E. Grant (SBN 279018) who in turn hired 2 other "GUNS” John E. Erych (SBN 173888) and his wife Trudi Schindler (SBN185837). Over a year passes with demurrers, and he can hire these unethical fools because William Christopher has complete control of 5 million dollars, and I had to sell home to pay for just one attorney.
CIVIL AND CRIMINAL CASES SHOULD NOT MIX! PERJURY IS BY DEFINITION THE OFFENSE OF WILLFULLY TELLING AN UNTRUTH (LIE) IN A COURT AFTER HAVING TAKEN AN OATH OR AFFIRMATION. My first attorney knew the truth about my greedy uncle, and so did my second. These were fraudulent documents without a signed amendment. They could not combine criminal acts within a civil case. It would take an old greedy attorney to mix these two together and steal his brother’s inheritance. Remember, my blood brother had schizophrenia, which never goes away, and I had never met his maternal wife Patricia. We all can agree that OJ Simpson got away with murder by hiring an unethical team of attorneys called, "The Dream Team”. F. Lee Baily was finally disbarred. Even Robert Kardashian knew the truth of the murder. But he got away with the crime of a lifetime. My uncle did the same exact thing. He hid the truth and lied in court to make sure the court case on March 16th and 17th of 2016 went to his favor. All of his attorneys know this. These attorneys need severe discipline for unethical behavior. Hopefully they will all be disbarred.
No one disclosed the amount of money they received by my father’s estate, and the hired guns never presented my profession as a registered nurse, a clinical nurse specialist and a Nurse Practitioner. The questions were not surrounding the documents or who took hem, but rather an attack on the clothes I wore the night my father died, and the big purse I carried with my stethoscope, my lunch, a change of clothes, etc. It was the biggest lie of all. MY UNCLE HAD MY MONEY TO HIRE HIS DREAM TEAM OF "5 STAR ATTORNEYS”. Appellate courts also never looked at the oddity of it. My father died, and my uncle lied as a witness on the stand, telling the judge and forcing a sobbing cry that he was getting NOTHING. He had stolen 5 million and it is on public record. And our great legal system didn’t see anything. Nor did William even care as much to finish his grave until 3 ½ years later. I have never got to see justice. I now suffer now from "legal abuse syndrome”. It’s like post-traumatic stress syndrome. I don’t sleep at night, and use a prescription drug to turn the whole nightmare off.
I am asking the District Attorney to Subpoena The Horan Trust and to show the public this was indeed a crime in a so-called civil dispute. No registered nurse caring for her father should have dealt with the abuse and dishonesty of his younger brother. There was no one to protect me. There are many thieves out there. We, as nurses are strong but innocent souls. We are not motivated by corrupt and money -hungry individuals as we take care of the vey rich and the poor. If I was so called "disinherited”, then I want proof of that (and I know you won’t find anything). I was the only one there in my Dad’s hours of need, almost like intuition. My father’s brother, William C. Horan killed his only reason for living. Now that is a perfect criminal. He didn’t have the love; that only a daughter could have. With deep respect for prosecution of these corrupted individuals and sincerity of loving my one and only father, Deborah Horan Stone, RN MSN NP, CNS Registered Nurse, Clinical Specialist Nurse Practitioner
"VICTIM OF INHERITANCE STEALING and ABUSE OF THE LEGAL SYSTEM” Ο τολμών νικά (pronouncedO tolmon nika)
Willliam Christopher Horan,
Jerry, Fayetteville, USA
Auto Insurance
Report #1457792
Posted Date: Aug 23 2018 12:12 am
Mark A Doane Attorney Mark Doane Unorganized, Dis-functional, sloppy, unprepared, forgetfull, no communication Tonawanda New York
Mark Doane was hired by me as a new person in the area to handle some real estate issues we were having with one of our properties in NY...
Where do I start? His appearance looks like he had slept in his suit all night on the couch, his wife does the books and quit on him at least twice in 6 weeks that I had wasted my time with this guy. I had to repeat myself 4 times, sent my wife in while I was out of town to explain for a 5th time and he still didnt remember. He took $2500 dollars for a suit he never started and still after firing him have never seen a penny. He took $850 for a court appearance wher HE asked for another court date. Him and his wife argues in front of us over a check one of his clients had paid (she couldnt find) and he said in front of us, "Doesnt matter he's guilty anyways." I couldnt believe what a unprofessional confused person this guy was and how the heck he is allowed to practice law in NYS. I am going to make sure we get our money back but for now do yourself a favor. Find another attorney or you will regret it... I promise... Btw I have all the nice texts and emails we sent to him. NEVER responded EVER. His poor wife doesnt use quick books, no computer anything.. Calendars look like they are written on sticky notes. I know this guy wont prepare for a court case. He didnt with ours.
Mark A Doane, New York
Jerry, Fayetteville, USA
Auto Insurance
Report #1456428
Posted Date: Aug 14 2018 12:33 am
Stephen E Grant (CSBN 279018) You could be next in getting your Inheritance Stolen. Internet
211 West Temple Street
Suite 1200
Los Angeles, CA 90012
Attention Special Financial Crime Investigations
Of BP160058- David Cowan
In testimony of a real Criminal
William Christopher Horan
CSBN 064217
Huntington Beach, CA 92646
A very greedy attorney stole my inheritance, and the events were not civil by any means.MY FATHER DIED, AND MY UNCLE LIED UNDER OATH IN A COURT OF LAW, using not one, but THREE UNETHICAL ATTORNEYS.This is now case number 18-13131 before the California State Bar Association of unethical behavior of 5 attorneys.NOW THE DECEASED next of kin are not his children and grandchildren, but Williams’ children and his ex wife.He got away with the crime of a lifetime and this is how he did it.See the following
In the spring of 2009, Deborah (the daughter, and Registered Nurse Practitioner of Timothy Agustin Horan) was asked to help her father out when he required open-heart surgery.She had his home cleaned, nursing meals made and took care of his every need before, during and after his hospitalization.My uncle decided to “get rid of me” by bullying me and threatening to kill me after he found out that my brother and I would be splitting the trust 50/50, and he was not included.
MY protective father told me he would indeed kill me over the money as he referred to his brother William as “Billy the kid”.William was never trusted during his entire lifetime to represent him as an attorney, and chose to place the trust on his personal computer and a computer trust document.My father fearing for the wellbeing of his daughter (a single mother of 4 children) told me to protect myself.I was bullied in an empty parking lot.I was not allowed to get my personal things out of my father’s house.MY father was told multiple lies by William such as I was going to put him in a nursing home, and perhaps he shouldn’t trust the soup that I made him as I may have poisoned it. He told him I had broken in the house, which was another lie, as while the cleaning crew took down the drapes in his bedroom, a small 4-inch window was accidently broken.I had the keys to his home.
Bullying of a caregiver should never be permitted.I have more integrity as a registered nurse in the state of California than any attorney does.When I went to the police in Los Angeles to report this, it was ignored.In 2009, bullying a family member was not reportable or even a legal focus until 2011.
During 2009, through 2014, I lived and worked in Los Angeles and Orange County to support my 4 children.I kept sending my father emails of his grandchildren including his great grandson born in January 8thof 2013.
In November 2012, my father’s significant other passed away.Her name was Helene Sutter.My father never sold anything of hers until her death.It is interesting to note that the abstract removed both of our names in the fraudulent document in the year 2010.My father, with 25 years of military experience would never have done this.
My father’s Bellaire home was sold in 2014, at which time he was sold an annuity with the proceeds of the sale of the home.You can ask any financial planner, but selling an annuity to an 80 year old, post open-heart surgery is considered a move of greed.It is not an advisable move.The financial advisor received and upfront commission and only knew my father for less than a year.He basically f*d him over.
My father struggled to care for himself, and his brother suggested for him to go to a retirement home.This was retirement home without any licensed nursing staff.Basically the “Holiday Villa East” was a high-cost apartment-style setting that provided meals to seniors.
It was the realtor, Janie Peet that told my father he was lied to by his brother William.William had used horrible lies that his daughter was going to do this, whereas it was William who encouraged nursing home placement, as he didn’t want to be bothered.
My father and I connected by phone and were to meet in October.On October 30, 2014, by father died of a heart attack caused by arteriosclerosis, only 6 weeks after moving into the facility
On the night of October 30, 2014, I declared my father deceased and sat with the paramedics.Since there were no registered nurses on staff.William Christopher came that night bringing his other brother. Joseph Haroun.He put me in a neck hold in the day room and told me not to go down to his room again.He not only stole and ripped up the original documents, but he also stole his personal computer where he fraudulently deleted and “doctored” the documents.THERE WAS NEVER A SIGNED AMMENDMENT.He stole everything, including his wallet, 2 cars, and anything else he could find.
Even though never his attorney, William C. Horan abused power by becoming the “successor trustee”.He used physical force and mental manipulation.
Please understand that his son, Timothy Gerard Horan testified that Uncle Bill “got rid of his sister in 2009”.And he would take over all the fiduciary responsibilities for him.My brother Timothy was diagnosed with schizophrenia in his early 20s and his anxiety and stress levels were too great for him to handle.He lived in Oregon with his much older wife “Patricia” who was more like a mother to him.Although our mother’s sister Eva Karcher provided both Tim and Pat with the money of $50,000 for a down payment on a home as well as financing his education through plumbing school, nothing was ever repaid, and he never got his plumbing service off the ground.
My father died on October 14, 2014, and the funeral did not take place until December 9, 2014.My uncle insisted on an autopsy, and blamed me for possibly killing him, or that was the story.This was a Tuesday that I usually worked, but the funeral was supposed to be on Wednesday, December the 10th, 2014 when I was usually off.If I had not contacted the funeral home I would have missed the funeral.
William ran the show again sitting Tim and Pat in the front row as well as his 3 daughters, and the woman he was living with.He told the funeral attendant that his father had only one son.It is amazing that he had 3 daughters and never knew the relationship I had with my father during 50 years.The look on his three daughter’s faces was undeniably something I will never forget.They were told by their father that I was disinherited and would get nothing and they would inherit their uncle’s wealth, (even though they knew him, cared for him etc.).
My husband, daughter, and grandson sat in the back row and were not really included.Wasn’t even invited to lunch after the funeral.We were ignored and silenced into submissiveness.It was shocking.
I never did anything wrong to my father other to been bullied by a greedy uncle.I have 3 state licenses and a DEA, and no criminal record.No one could give me the reason why I was treated with such hostility.The only answer is GREED and COVETING.
William Christopher Horan attempted to be the attorney on 12/23/2014.Again, running the show saying that the successor trustee was doing it all. The Horan trust was liquefied over 5 million dollars in December 2014 and a 3,500 square foot home bought for Patricia with the money before 90 days had past and I even had a copy of “Fraudulent Trust Documents’.He hired Mr. Stephen E. Grant(SBN 279018) who in turn hired 2 other “GUNS” John E. Erych (SBN 173888) and his wife Trudi Schindler (SBN185837).Over a year passes with demurrers, and he can hire these unethical fools because William Christopher has complete control of 5 million dollars, and I had to sell home to pay for an attorney.
My first attorney knew the truth about my greedy uncle, and so did my second.These were fraudulent documents without a signed amendment.They could not combine criminal acts within a civil case.It would take an old greedy attorney to mix these two together and steal his brother’s inheritance.Remember, my blood brother had schizophrenia, which never goes away, and I had never met his maternal wife Patricia.
We all can agree that OJ Simpson got away with murder by hiring unethical team of attorneys called, “The Dream Team”.F. Lee Baily was finally disbarred.EvenRobert Kardashian knew the truth of the murder.But he got away with the crime of a lifetime.My uncle did the same exact thing.He hid the truth and lied in court to make sure the court case on March 16thand 17thof 2016 went to his favor.All of his attorneys know this.These attorneys need severe discipline of unethical human beings.Hopefully hey will all be disbarred.
No one disclosed the amount of money they received by my father’s estate, and the hired guns never presented my profession as a registered nurse, a clinical nurse specialist and a Nurse Practitioner.The questions were not surrounding the documents or who took hem, but rather an attack on the clothes I wore the night my father died, and the big purse I carried with my stethoscope, my lunch, a change of clothes, etc.It was the biggest lie of all.MY UNCLE HAD MY MONEY TO HIRE HIS DREAM TEAM OF 5 STAR ATTORNEYS.
Appellate courts also never looked at the oddity of it.My father died, and my uncle lied as a witness on the stand, telling the judge and forcing a sobbing cry that he was getting nothing.He had stolen 5 million and it is on public record.And our great legal system didn’t see anything.
I never got to see justice.And I suffer now from “legal abuse syndrome”.It’s like post-traumatic stress syndrome.I am asking the District Attorney to Subpoena The Horan Trust and to show the public this was indeed a crime in a so-called civil dispute.I am forwarding documents for discovery.Not because they mean anything.There are many thieves out there.We are innocent souls.
Stephen E Grant (CSBN 279018),
Jerry, Fayetteville, USA
Auto Insurance
Report #1456338
Posted Date: Aug 13 2018 08:00 pm
Trudi Schindler (SBN 185837) I am a Rich Swindler! And I am before the state bar on Unethical Abilities Stole money on a Trust knowing full well that the Uncle Attorney Used Perjury to STEAL Los Angeles Ca
Trudi Schindler (SBN 185837), Ca
Jerry, Fayetteville, USA
Auto Insurance
Report #1450426
Posted Date: Jul 05 2018 10:08 pm
Meir J. Westreich Meir J. Westreich, Meir Westreich, Attorney Meir Westreich, Anders Karlsson, Anders H. Karlsson, Michael Stone, Holotropic Breathwork LA, Marcia Araujo, The Karlsson Group, Charles Lynn Simmons, Potash Cosortium, Karlsson Potash Filled frivolous lawsuit to extort money Pasadena California
BE CAREFUL of ATTORNEY MEIR J WESTREICH.He is a scam artist and partner of his only client Anders Karlsson. Both of these characters have made a living suing people they meet. Yes, people they meet in business dealings not in doing business. 100% of the lawsuits that these two crooks have filled are with oral contracts or conversations. They file complaints in Federal Court as a form of extorsion and blackmail.
This so called attorney only has one client, his partner in crime Anders H Karlsson and his shady corporations and business entities. His business is to sue innocent people in Federal Court and extort money from victims by filing frivolous lawsuits. People pay these crooks instead of fighting the complaints in court as it is too expensive.
Also, it looks like scumbag attorney Meir Westreich is allergic to open court trials and any other difficult situations. According to public records, he likes to postpone trials claiming that he is too sick to appear in court. He finds enough idiot judges that believe him. I wonder why judges don’t ask for proof of medical condition.
In 2003 when the State of California BAR Association requested his presence in a hearing to indict him for wrongdoings, he also claimed to be too sick to attend. In 2003, this guy was 37 years old. How sick can a 37 year old guy get not to attend a hearing?
MEIR J. WESTREICH [#73133], 52, of Pasadena was suspended for six months, stayed, and placed on one year of probation. The order took effect Oct. 10, 2003.
A State Bar Court judge recommended a stayed suspension for Westreich after he did not comply with three of four probation conditions attached to a public reproval in 1998. The stay was recommended because Westreich was seriously ill after the public reproval and because of favorable character testimony.
Westreich sought review, arguing that his illnesses and other personal circumstances warrant only an admonition.
The bar court's review department acknowledged Westreich's problems, but found that during the year he did not comply with probation conditions, he traveled extensively and engaged in both legal and personal business matters.
It found that the stayed suspension was not excessive.
The public reproval was imposed for Westreich's conduct in his client's malpractice case against another lawyer. Westreich thought the client had agreed the case should be dropped, but he did not confirm this with the client. The case was dismissed for failure to prosecute, but Westreich did not receive the notice because he had relocated his office.
He had several conversations with his client about the lawsuit without ever telling her "specifically and definitively" that it was dismissed.
The court gave mitigating weight to Westreich's considerable pro bono and community service in a variety of political and social causes.
Westreich suffered a series of serious injuries and health problems and sought three extensions to comply with his probation. Nonetheless, the court found that he did not comply with probation conditions in a timely manner.
Meir J. Westreich, California
Jerry, Fayetteville, USA
Auto Insurance
Report #1449504
Posted Date: Jun 29 2018 06:11 am
Troy Klein law group He manipulated me, misled me, lied to me, and essentially decieved me. He placed my serious custody matter in harm's way. He is negligent and didn't follow through on any thing discussed prior to hiring him. Misled, mishandled and stole 10k West Palm Beach Fl
Troy Klein law group I hired this attorney even after reading some poor reviews about him online. I went against my better judgement. He manipulated me, misled me, lied to me, and essentially robbed me of 10k. He placed my serious custody matter in harm's way. He is negligent and didn't follow through on any thing discussed prior to hiring him. He changed faces after he got his 10k, which he stated was spent after not attending any hearings, depositions, mediation etc. He told me from the beginning he couldn't settle my case but, failed to disclose bit was bc opposing counsels firm had previously sued him. He spent 10k to review a docket. Troy ignored my many requests to meet, took on my case knowing he intended to leave the country, returning 2 days before my trial. When confronted, he asked for more money. He has sued so many former clients, making their difficult times even worse. Worse, he failed to disclose that he was sued by my ex's current law firm, which he should have informed me about. This man is also abusive, telling me my tears are an inefficient waste of his time. He literally wrote that in an email. He will be sweet in the beginning but, watch out! I should have really paid attention to these bad reviews. Now I'm out 10k, with three kids, just 3 weeks before my trial date. Let me add that I received texts from him at 1130pm asking about my love life preys off vulnerable people. Planning a malpractice action. Misled, mishandled and stole 10k. Arrogant, misleading and lack of morals. Can't trust a person like this. Palm Beach county docket speaks for itself. West Palm Beach Fl
Troy Klein law group I hired this attorney even after reading some poor reviews about him online. I went against my better judgement. He manipulated me, misled me, lied to me, and essentially decieved me. He placed my serious custody matter in harm's way. He is negligent and didn't follow through on any thing discussed prior to hiring him. He changed faces after he got his 10k, which he stated was spent after not attending any hearings, depositions, mediation etc. He spent 10k to review a docket. Troy ignored my many requests to meet, took on my case knowing he intended to leave the country, returning 2 days before my trial. When confronted, he asked for more money. He has sued so many former clients, making their difficult times even worse. Worse, he failed to disclose that he was sued by my ex's current law firm, which he should have informed me about. This man is also abusive, telling me my tears are an inefficient waste of his time. He literally wrote that in an email. He will be sweet in the beginning but, watch out! I should have really paid attention to these bad reviews. Now I'm out 10k, with three kids, just 3 weeks before my trial date. Let me add that I received texts from him at 1130pm asking about my love life preys off vulnerable people. Planning a malpractice action. Misled, mishandled and stole 10k
Troy Klein law group, Fl
Jerry, Fayetteville, USA
Auto Insurance
Report #1448667
Posted Date: Jun 23 2018 05:48 pm
Dustin Maguire Attorney They charged me over $3000.00 to fight a crooked contractor, to just to end up having to pay both Dustin and Dean Ruppert for work he didn't complete Edwardsville Illinois
In other words, you lost your case, right??
Dustin Maguire Attorney, Illinois
Jerry, Fayetteville, USA
Auto Insurance
Report #1448629
Posted Date: Jun 23 2018 04:43 pm
Jim scafide Scafide law firm James scafide Scum bag attorney hacks people Santa Barbara California
Sad old man
Jim scafide , California
Jerry, Fayetteville, USA
Auto Insurance
Report #1446345
Posted Date: Jun 06 2018 10:41 pm Dr. Gerald Vernon & Dr. Stacy Warren, Dr. Vernon is a sexually preditor and Dr. Stacy Warner is the heart and soul of south jerseys prescription pill epidemic Cherry Hill New Jersey
Hi Stacy, I bet you wish you would have listened when my sister cried in your office and begged you to stop serving my mother.. and what did you do Stacy? You smiled because you realized that you would never stop, to you she is a customer on a subscription service..
Your are the modern day cell phone carrier (t-mobile,verizon & at&t), stacy hooks you on a monthly payment and realizes that you or your insurance will pay every month.. I would suggest watching this 1 minute clip of american greed, this sums up their business practices:
Dr. Vernon.
This review is 5 YEARS OLD by another victim.. They can say all they want but notice no response was given regarding this patients complaint.
Fortunately for todays consumer, this service exposes the despicable and devious practices completed by South Jersey Health and Wellness. Please do your own research everyone, form your own opinion, just because they are doctors (today) does not mean they deserve power and trust over your families health and well being.. They have the worst reputation in South Jersey! Ask anyone and they will tell you..
Go on their facebook page, go on their yelp account, go look up dr. Vernon and his reviews, look up Stacy Warren and then... look at your kids in the eyes and ask yourself, is it worth it..
Entity:, New Jersey
Jerry, Fayetteville, USA
Auto Insurance
Report #1446283
Posted Date: Jun 06 2018 05:04 pm
ATTENTION ALL VETERAN!!!! ATTENTION ALL VETERAN!! Run RUN !! Lavan and Neidenber Law Office Located in Fort Lauderdale . Is A cold Calculated Money machine. Lavan & Neidenberg Law Firm will hold on to your entitlement percentage EVEN when they have withdrawn their claim to pursue the Case...... 2014 the Law Firm of Lavan & Neidenber accepted my case for service connected PTSD and Lower back injury. They told me how the would get the judgment on my case. Less then a month or so, they send back my file with my documents. I then was told I did not have enough evidence and they were withdrawing their representation.
2018 After Two other Power of Attorneys representation, Lavan & Neidenber law Firm after years without contact or notification "They Made An Inquiry In to My CASE"!!!!! Without my knowledge and permitting. They denied the documented inquiry. The Law Firm sent their Representative Donnel Beckles 954 760 9744 . In a face to face meeting Mr. Beckles Told me not only did they not have any work hours on my case but they will give me a documents stating withdrawal from representation But Not Entitlement!!!! They would do no work but want to be Payed a percentage. When I visited Mr. Beckles on May 5 He gave me another story that they have no interest in entitlement OR FEES and gave me another document.
This document was not only date this year 2017 IT WAS FOR FUTURE ENTITLEMENT!! NOT CURRENT OR PAST!!!! Now they refuse to Call or Talk to me. I intent to pursue the case into court if need be. IF THIS HAPPENED TO ME !! THIS HAS HAPPENED TO OTHER VICTIM!!! I will gather those victim to spread the word and join the deference of a Class Action. I HAVE BEEN TO WAR FROM HELL AND BACK!!! WE AS VETERANS DO NOT DESERVED TO HAVE THERE ENTITLEMENTS STOLEN FROM THEM BY AN UN PATRIOTIC MONEY MACHINE.. STOP TAKING ADVANTAGE OF AMERICA'S WAR HEROES. Call your local Congressmen Please! Kirk Griffiths of Miami 3053181435
Lavan & Neidenberg LAW FIRM of South Florida, Florida
Jerry, Fayetteville, USA
Auto Insurance
Report #1445955
Posted Date: Jun 04 2018 05:24 pm
Dr. Stacy Warren A local pill mill Cherry Hill Nj
Dr. Stacy Warren is a pill mill doctor, and by today’s standards that means medicating patients over long periods of time (5-7 years) like she has done with my family relative and milking insurance companies to the gills. My relative is my mother and let me dive right into it and let the viewer, reader, patient or potential patient form their own opinion on the practices performed at this office between her "team”. My mother has two suicide attempts so far, one rehab stay, two overdose overnight hospital stays and severe depression. In closing she has two divorces and heavy mental baggage that Stacy uses as leverage to "ease the pain”. Stacy prescribes six different prescriptions for anxiety, stress, and depression.
These medications are strong and should only be used for immediate trauma only over a short period of time. My mom was functional before she met this doctor, she had a job, worked and was a productive part of society.. The suicide attempts, overdoses and hospital stays were all incorporated into the doctors perscriptions. If you have been injured or need any type of medical treatment, do you and your family a favor and stay clear of this facility. Any other victims of this doctor please contact me directly. My attorney said my mother needs to pass for us to have a case unless I can procure other victims of this doctor. I will pay for all legal and financial exposure throughout the process to close this doctors doors and remove this cancer from society.
Dr. Stacy Warren, Nj
Jerry, Fayetteville, USA
Auto Insurance
Report #1445835
Posted Date: Jun 03 2018 05:16 pm
STEINGER,ISCOE &GREENE PA Delay neglect and inferred with insurance settlement Fort Lauderdale florida
The firm adverise them self as providing Free Evaluation by Local Accident Lawyer. Fast & Easy - Don't Settle for Less! We help over 40,000 people each month See What Your Case is Worth! Injury Claim ... They have been particularly unhelpful in my case, refer me to onevof their local medical therapist who did not appear to know much about spinal and disc injuries. Been diagnosed with 3 4mm sacral fracture and spinal displacement and other $30,000 of medical expenses after a bicycle accident at no fault of mt behalf. I felt i had a strong case to recover at least my medical expenses. I have not received any advice or settlement offer frim this firm but they did place a lien on the settlement offer made by the insurance of the driver having asked the firm to stop delaying and to withdraw. I was able to settle with the insurance for not only their liability limit but also to the limit of the ppi of the coverage. It took me over 120 days to get this firm of my case abd less than 30 days to settle with the insurance in excess of their limit. Be particularly careful signing anything with this firm. They particularly unhelpful
Jerry, Fayetteville, USA
Auto Insurance
Report #1440435
Posted Date: Apr 27 2018 12:49 am
Finally we have come to a settlement in court with leonard bellivia and steven blatt we have resolved our issues
Bellavia Blatt & Crossett, PC, NEWYORK
Jerry, Fayetteville, USA
Auto Insurance
Report #1436101
Posted Date: Jul 19 2018 03:43 am
Mathew Weidner Fraudulent Slick Talking Falsely Represented Attorney St. Petersburg Florida
Mathew professes to do 15% of Real Estate transactions according to AVVO. This is an exaggeration by 14% !! He was hired to specifically enforce a real estate contract based on specific performance of said contract of which he NEVER comprehended, never engaged or spent the time to study the basics of the case. Completely against the wishes of the Client (myself) decided to negotiate a WHOLE NEW DIFFERENT CONTRACT without consent, agreement or acknowledgment, he filed a Defective Motion with ZERO supportive documentation and severely put me in harms way based on his complete incompetence. This was an Executed and Agreed Upon Purchase Agreement and instead of attempting to enforce it, went rogue and it negatively and financially caused me further damages. He also assured me that HE would be handling the case but instead immediately pawned off the case to a junior attorney whom I'd never met , nor spoke too whom was even more clueless and when called had abruptly and ironically just went on vacation (SMH) He calls himself a "Door Attorney" which I find out now in which " he'll take any case that comes in the door," according to his website. He's been doing Foreclosures so long now, his mindset is rollover,settle,mediate...
This was NOT, and I repeat a Foreclosure Case, he was in over his head, I demanded a Refund for failure to represent me, his lack of attention and lack of details or having even a strategy when pressed fell on deaf ears, which prompted a Judge to call an Emergency Hearing and potentially blow up my whole transaction, causing me a great deal of additional money to fix his incompetence as well as stress,anxiety,etc.. I simply asked for my money back ( since he did nothing except bill me for negotiating some 'As Is" Contract on his own.) I personally went to his office and they refused to release my file, I have called, emailed, texted with zero response and finally after numerous requests it was sent to my new attorney. I received no correspondence or copies of anything, even after requests. His diversion is that "I was upset" when I arrived at his office, after his staff attempted to force me to sign a release indicating they'd earned their money, I refused to sign and walked out of the office, I wanted my file without stipulations. I recorded the my office visit. Attempts to get my money back are as typical as he handled my case, delayed response, no response, redirect the topic, NEVER ,EVER specifically answered any of my hard and direct questions about my case, he just ignored them all together or when sent the entire file in the beginning his emailed response was "neat stuff" huh?? that's it ? that is the lack of representation and unprofessionalism I paid for ? Caveat Emptor .. Unless your a desperate person whose in Foreclosure. AVOID THIS ATTORNEY at all costs.
Mathew Weidner, Florida
Jerry, Fayetteville, USA
Auto Insurance
Report #1435647
Posted Date: Mar 23 2018 04:29 pm
Imbesi Law, P.C. and Vince Imbesi Jr. Vincent Imbesi Jr., Brittany Weiner Vincent Imbesi Jr., Owner of Imbesi Law, P.C. has been harrassing me, threatening and conducting behavior not becoming an Attorney New York New York
Imbesi Law, P.C. and Vince Imbesi Jr., New York
Jerry, Fayetteville, USA
Auto Insurance
Report #1433138
Posted Date: Mar 08 2018 07:21 am
Lee Sexton & Associates PC, Georgia
Jerry, Fayetteville, USA
Auto Insurance
Report #1433132
Posted Date: Mar 08 2018 06:07 am
Christine Gordon,Legal Assistant
Lee Sexton & Associates PC, Georgia
Jerry, Fayetteville, USA
Auto Insurance
Report #1424153
Posted Date: Jan 20 2018 05:58 pm
Ken Nugent Attorney Disappointed in the whole experience! Duluth Georgia
I was in a car accident in 2017, not my fault, and my car was totaled. I called Ken Nugent first because of the commercials. At first they were helpful, told me I needed to go to a doctor to start therapy, since I was injured in this accident. I was also told to just concentrate on my healing and they would do the rest. That lasted about a week. Then I had to start calling them. I also had to do most of the work myself. I had to get in touch with the insurance/party at fault to ask for a rental car since my car was totaled and couldnt get to my doctor appointments that they insisted I go too. Which was another bunch of bull. All the paperwork that the attorney's office required I had to get myself! I had to constantly call for updates on my case since no one would call me.
The person that was supposed to taking care of my case never seemed to be there and it was hard to get phone calls returned. The lawyer they passed me along too (not Ken) never seemed to be there either! I would leave messages with the office and with the lawyer. It took a week sometimes to get a return call and felt like my calls were being passed along to who ever. The at fault insurance was not pleasant to deal with and didnt feel like that was my job in the first place. They didnt give me much to replace my car, so I had to come out of pocket and now have a car payment I didnt want since my car was paid for! My settlement just barely covered the hospital/medical bills and Attorney fees! Someone hit me! Totaled my car! I had to go to the hospital and therapy for a two months! I had to come out of pocket to replace my car! I had to do all the leg work and paperwork and phone calling!
I ended up with less than $2000! Guess that will now go toward the car I had to buy since I couldn't affored a car payment in the first place. I should have did my home work and read all these reviews and reviews on other sites. These doctors and attorneys pair up to take as much from you as they can. They dont care about you, your injuries, your well being or your loss. They are there to make money, bottom line. I feel ripped off!
Ken Nugent Attorney, Georgia
Jerry, Fayetteville, USA
Auto Insurance
Report #1423447
Posted Date: Jan 16 2018 11:37 pm
Steven Catalano AttorneyLawyerProsecutor - Political Favors For Convictions - BRIBES - False Prosecutions - CORRUPTION - Providence Rhode Island Providence Rhode Island
Attorney steven catalano, an obvious liar, on at least one occassion, knowingly and intentionally prosecuted an innocent individual in the city of providence in the state of rhode island in the name of former providence mayor, and now congressman, david cicilline. The individual prosecuted was the victim of an attack perpetrated by underworld figures in the city of providence, most of which are represented by mafia attorney and father of congressman david cicilline. The individual prosecuted was attacked on multiple occassion in providence and the event he was prosecuted for involved a joe cummings of the specialty co. who assualted the indivdual and then called his cop friend in providence and falsified a report when he couldn't beat up or kill the indivudal. the individual charged was then falsely said to have been threatening people with a bat. IT WAS NOT HIM. the individual arrested falsely had also been attacked by someone with a bat and the person who attacked him was affiliated with the mafia in providence and is believed to be a family or "family" member of mr. catalano and operated out of addies laundry mat in providence, the hang out of new england mafia kingpin, luigi "baby shacks" mannochio. the indivudual arrested was setup and prosecuted knowingly by catalano at the besheast of cicilline to get these other indivduals out of trouble. Accordingly, known scumbag, mafia judge, and disturbed indivivual, robert "bobby pirragz" pirraglia conveniently was the judge who oversaw the case, just like he is "randomly" put on any case where the state of rhode island needs a conviction to shut the mouth of any indidivualwho has dirt on rhode island or who they have wronged and dont want to be held responsible or get sued for. The innocent individual prosecuted had pictures of the indivudal who attacked him with a bat while the attack occured AND NEVER ONCE THOUGHOUT THE COURSE OF THE CASE WERE THOSE PICTURES EVER ASKED TO BE VIEWED. NOT ONCE. Further evidence that he was being setup. mr. catalano is also suspected of having a relationship with, or having intimidated, a female public defender to get his was on many cases that they wanted swept under the rug. As "punishment" for this, the state of rhode island promoted catalano to justice of the peace. DISGUSTING.
Steven Catalano, Rhode Island
Jerry, Fayetteville, USA
Auto Insurance
Report #1421083
Posted Date: Jan 04 2018 08:55 pm
Paul Weissenstein Attorney in Sumter S.C. Paul Weissenstein I hired Paul Weissenstein to represent me in a realestate contract. Paid him thousands of dollars and he was so careless ignorant regarding law that he Malpractice me causing me hundreds of thousands of dollars and years of grief. Sumter South Carolina
*When I contacted him about what he had overlooked, he stated that he was sorry but that simply went right over his head. He has refused to talk about this and has hired his insurance company to protect him. Be ware Plaul Weissenstein Attorney is unreliable and if he screws up your case or rights, he will simply avoid your calls and refuse to make things right. You may call me at (((REDACTED))) for I am telling the full truth. I hope to get him disbarrred soon. Be Ware of Paul Weissenstein, S.C.*
Paul Weissenstein is guilty of Malpractice costing me hundreds of thousands of dollars and years of grief. Don’t trust him for once he finds out that he has Malpracticed a client, he will run from the obligation for that is what he did to me. I have documentation that can prove that. MB Hutson
Paul Weissenstein Attorney in Sumter S.C., South Carolina
Jerry, Fayetteville, USA
Auto Insurance
Report #1418756
Posted Date: Dec 22 2017 11:01 pm
Larry j zielke Nancy j schook Liars! Unethical behavior! Abused there clients! Bullies!! Louisville Kentucky
Larry j zielke, Kentucky
Jerry, Fayetteville, USA
Auto Insurance
Report #1379445
Posted Date: Jun 16 2017 01:52 pm
Mark E Richards Ageless Impression Bethesda MD I waa lied to and scammed by Mark Richards and his assistant Laura Coleman. I was misled and misinformed to pay them and now i am in severe pain, discomfort and my face is deformed. Maryland
Hes done the same thing to many others who contacted me. Scam liar and no knowledge or ethics. His assistant is a complete sick psycho who lives off other's pain and suffering. All his patients I spoke to suffer permanent nerve damage and deformity. He needs to be locked in jail with his assistant Bethesda
I was lied to and scammed by Mark Richards and his assistant Laura Coleman. I was misled and misinformed to pay them and now i am in severe pain, discomfort and my face is deformed. I requested another procedure but he has done something awful permanent that no one can redo. Hes done the same thing to many others who contacted me. Scam liar and no knowledge or ethics. His assistant is a complete sick psycho who lives off other's pain and suffering. All his patients I spoke to suffer permanent nerve damage and deformity. He needs to be locked in jail with his assistant
Mark E Richards Ageless Impression Bethesda MD,
Jerry, Fayetteville, USA
Auto Insurance
Report #1348529
Posted Date: Jan 09 2017 01:14 pm
In 2012 i was involoed in a car accident , which the male rammed me in the back his car was penned under my truck.. apparetly the male had die( not from the accident) but the case continued .. all this time went pass no one made no contact with me regarding my case..not even my so call lawyers. I was calling , leaving massages no return calls but i was going to all the therpy..ect. 2015 was informed that i had to attend an abratation trial..won that $25000..lawyers never informed me that a motion was filed by the ins. company andagain another waiting game 2016 oct.20 another court case with i was awarded $6500.. after that the company stated that i owe them 5200..that they paid me for being off wk. after all saaid and done of my case i only recieved $500. I have checks stubs of what sedwick sent to me$247.00 they stated 4000.00.
Jerry, Fayetteville, USA
Auto Insurance
Report #1262427
Posted Date: Oct 27 2015 08:59 pm
Qwest Corporation Violated HIPAA and my right to medical privacy. Maplton, North Dakota Nationwide
I received two telephone calls from this number in one day. They asked me to verify a medical procedure I had several years ago. This is a direct violatio of HIPAA and my right to medical privacy.
Qwest Corporation, Nationwide
Jerry, Fayetteville, USA
Auto Insurance
Report #1241258
Posted Date: Jul 24 2015 11:24 pm
Legal Help Center Legal Health Center Medical Settlement Miami Florida ,however people calling based in India? Florida
This complaint has been linked to the wrong company - this complaint should be directed to is in no way associated with Our company, Legal Help Center, only assists accident injury victims and is not connected with Legal Help Centers which assists with lawsuits associated with prescription drugs.
Legal Help Center,
Jerry, Fayetteville, USA
Auto Insurance
Report #1215242
Posted Date: Mar 12 2015 06:13 pm
to make a long story short. he has been trying to rip me off with my auto accident policy he want pay whats owed to me .this happened in 2008 and still havent recieved anything.
the law office of ray & thatcher, Texas
Jerry, Fayetteville, USA
Auto Insurance
Report #1213823
Posted Date: Mar 06 2015 08:07 pm
Blanchard Valley Hospital Dr. Kindl Caused increased pain and suffering then wouldn't return any calls. Findlay Ohio
I started seeing Dr.Kindl over a year ago for increased pain to spine with three tumors and three bulging disc. Prior to seeing him I had already been getting injections for a year he did another year of injections causing my pain to be worse when they are not suppose to be done for more than a year. I had been on percocet for my pain for two years, I told them they were not working any more taking them four times a day,I couldn't even ride in a care 5 miles to town so when I saw his nure practicioner heather I told her I was needing to take them one every four hours around the clock she said ok then started me on baclefen for spasms stated it would help with the pain meds. Then I got called out of state to Iowa for my sister had a tumor inside her heart, 10 hr ride which was exurtiating then sitting in hospital with her for five days til over then another 10hr ride home. So when I got back they counted my pills that were off because she said it was ok to take every four hours. I have been on heat pad night and day causing my skin to break down. I get a letter from them stating I broke the contract so they were not going to give me any pain meds again. I went and saw heather again stated you said ok when told you I was taking them every four hours she said yea I did but I didn't mean for you to do it. So she wouldn't give me anything mind you I haven't seen Dr in five months just nurse practioner. So for over a week I have been in so much pain, not eating not sleeping due to the pain and sitting up all night on heat pad. My daughter called them every day for a week telling them the condition I was in and not once did they call me back. I contacted the administration and they said they would have them call me. which they never did, then his nurse called me stated you broke the contract he wont give you anything for your pain but we can see about more injections or aqua therapy sure when I can barely walk. They said I abused my medication if that were true when he gave me dilauded twice which is more powerful narcotic both times I gave them back because they made me feel funny, I was told by spine instatute if that were the case an abuser would have taken them all. His nurse would not even listen to me, the nurse practoner and Dr. kindl never did call me themselves. I told them My quality of life at this time was zero due to the pain and trying to save up money to have neck and lower back surgery.And they still didn't care to help me with my pain. they said Dr Kindl could see me in april to do other alternatives which already were not working. The last neck injection I couldn't move my neck for a week.So here I am still having pain and suffering that they caused then abandoned me for any care or pain treatment. I have been a nurse for 30 years and lifeflight medic for 25 and I never would have ever abandoned any of my paitients like they did me. But mind you two week of calls with no returns until I contacted administration and that still got me no where. I think they failed me the people I trusted the most to help me and they just stopped caring. I hope this never happens to anyone else no one deserves to be in this much pain that I am in and then just left to suffer for a contract they broke not me. And if the nurse practioner says she didn't say it she then lied because ever my husband heard her. Is there anyone out there who can help me.
Blanchard Valley Hospital, Ohio
Jerry, Fayetteville, USA
Auto Insurance
Report #1205433
Posted Date: Jan 30 2015 03:32 am
Funky Mommy Mags baylan Extreme Lip outbreak Carle Place New York
Ordered Lighten Up lip balm from Funkymommy and applied it everyday as directed. A few weeks later, my lips became extremely dry. I continued to use as directed in hopes that my lips were just adjusting to the new product. Days later, I awoke in the morning with swollen itchy lips with tiny white spots all over my lips. I was horrified. I had to take a visit to my dermatologist. I read other review stating the fact that FAKE kohic acud was used in the making of this product: this product caused me so much damage and even days off from work.
Funky Mommy, New York
Jerry, Fayetteville, USA
Auto Insurance
Report #1179664
Posted Date: Oct 05 2014 06:36 pm
Sunrise Assisted Living Facility Sunrise of Baton Rouge, Sunrise Development. Pesticide Poisoning, confirmed by state (cover up) Baton Rouge Louisiana
Sunrise Assisted Living Facility, Louisiana
Jerry, Fayetteville, USA
Auto Insurance
Report #1167372
Posted Date: Aug 05 2014 03:19 am
US Medical Department America common names with India accents Harassing persistent phone calls asking if I had a medical procedure within the last 5 yrs Phone unkn loca
Persistent Harassing phone calls from usually a man or sometimes a woman always with an India accent. They're asking if I have received medical treatment within the last 5 yrs.
I have refused to answer, I have screamed at them to stop calling, I have threatened harassment charges, I have asked for their information and as of this writing still haven't been giving any useful reliable information. I have tried to block their number which sometimes starts with area code 972 also phone number 1999999 which I didn't think was possible.
My latest effort is simply to say wrong number an hang up. I figure sooner or later someone's going to give up. At this point I have nothing to loose and I am starting to enjoy the challenge. Ithas to frustrate them as well, I only hope.
However, all that aside, they were able to get some information on a procedure I had several years ago. They had the type of service an my phone number, which is my cell number. I haven't had a land line in 15 yrs.
So the right to privacy act I signed was breeched by the hospital most likely. No way to know for sure, and the callers aren't cooperating with giving info.
I did have to laugh, one guy said to me "I talked to you before" and indeed I did recognized the voice, so I said, "yes I told you to stop calling" he said, "but ma'am I am from the US Medical Dept"! As of this date I have logged 58 calls in a three month period.
US Medical Department, Internet
Jerry, Fayetteville, USA
Auto Insurance
Report #1147070
Posted Date: May 17 2014 04:43 pm
Ymax Oration Landline Calls about bladder sling compensation Syracuse New York
Foreign callers call my house and my cell phone every day. They keep saying that I have a bladder sling, which I do not have nor ever have discussed with my physician. They are telling me that i can get compensation for this. It is a scam to get information.
Ymax Oration Landline, Nationwide
Jerry, Fayetteville, USA
Auto Insurance
Report #1144932
Posted Date: May 08 2014 04:38 am
Palm Harbor Plastic Surgery Center Dr. Jay H. Ross M.D. Went for Breast implants 2 yrs ago. left me the 1st time my right brest disfigure went after 4 months to fix the problem and made worst it is like a nightmare I cant wear regular clothes worst i dont want my husband to see with out clothes or touch me Clearwater Florida
You had breast implants so how did this ruin your body?? Did u research the DR first? Did you follow his instructions?
Palm Harbor Plastic Surgery Center, Florida
Jerry, Fayetteville, USA
Auto Insurance
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